pasangan bahagia amir n aizat rahmat Kali ni aku nak posting blog pasal kakak aku..jgn slah paham..kakak aku yang atas aku tu lmbat lg kwen...
lame da x update blog ni..ksian lak kat blog aku..xpe2..ni nak update la..aku bry je lps pergi ke muktamar pusat..mmg puas hati..byk penglam...
About Me
- BiNtU hUsSiN
- Walking through the journey in search of Mardhatillah..roaming during day and nigth.. seeking the truth of wrong and right..hope and never stop believing..ask for strength to never stop trying..(^_^)
ChAnGe b4 u LaTe 2 ChAngE
layanz (^_^)
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